Member Benefits

Local Area Benefits:
Discounted rate for advertising on the Asessippi Parkland Electronic Billboard located at the Asessippi Parkland Visitor Information Centre.
Hometown Rewards bucks program fee waived.
50% discount on Chamber picnic table rentals
FREE advertisement or coupon in Welcome to Asessippi Parkland coupon book.
FREE listing on the Russell & District Chamber of Commerce website www._____.com
20% OFF booth registration at Russell Beef & Barley Trade Show.
Through membership, business owners, individuals and the community all benefit together.
As a local chamber member you will benefit from:
Increased business opportunities - greater economic activity means more people living, working, and doing business within the region.
Business networking opportunities - Chamber meetings, provide members with the opportunity to meet other business owners and entrepreneurs. Networking builds relations with customers, suppliers and competitors. Networking is ALWAYS welcome at Chamber events.
Lobbying - The Chamber will lobby and advocate for positive change.
Collective body - As the region works together the business districts will prosper.
Advertising - Promotion within our Business Directory, website and other special projects.
Opportunities to express your views and opinions.
Provincial Benefits:
Group Insurance Plans for small businesses
Current need to know provincial business guidelines emailed directly to your inbox.
Manitoba Chambers of Commerce Affinity Program benefits
Online subscription to M-Biz Magazine